The transition from high school to the college-age years can be particularly difficult for the young adult and their parent(s) alike. Individuals between 18 – 23 often need additional emotional and financial support and this may conflict with their need for independence.
Developmentally they have a strong yearning for independence, while still feeling reliant on their parents. Young adults are often exposed to new people and situations at college or in the workforce and may not be fully equipped with the necessary coping skills. Young adulthood is also a time of personal identity development, which can mean rejection of ideals and values previously taught at home.
The transition from high school to the college-age years can be particularly difficult for the young adult and their parent(s) alike. Individuals between 18 – 23 often need additional emotional and financial support and this may conflict with their need for independence.
Developmentally they have a strong yearning for independence, while still feeling reliant on their parents. Young adults are often exposed to new people and situations at college or in the workforce and may not be fully equipped with the necessary coping skills. Young adulthood is also a time of personal identity development, which can mean rejection of ideals and values previously taught at home.
Parents face the challenge of allowing them to fly the nest, but providing a safety net so they don’t crash and burn. Some parents struggle with how much room to allow for them to spread their wings, while still keeping them safe. This is a hard time for most parents given the rejection and loneliness they may feel. Often, parents have devoted the majority of their mental and emotional attention into child rearing. Once the child leaves home, the parent can feel a sense of identity loss.
A psychologist can provide emotional guidance and support for the young adult or the parent. Sometimes at Compass, one clinician will see the young adult, another works with the parent(s), and a third provides family therapy to assist with improving communication and developing appropriate boundaries. This team approach to treatment is very effective at helping smooth this life transition. Please note: in part to increase your young adult’s self-efficacy, we require anyone over 18 to schedule their own appointments. The young adult may opt to sign a Release of Information Form to allow the person responsible for payment to discuss their billing account with our staff. Without a signed release form, by law, Compass clinical and administrative staff cannot discuss the care of clients over the age of 18. To learn more about our services for young adults and their parents, Contact Us today. |