The Centers for Disease Control estimate that over 129 million Americans experience a chronic health problem. Twenty-one million people world wide currently need end-of-life care. The National Institutes of Health reports that pain affects more Americans than diabetes, heart disease and cancer combined.
Chronic illness, terminal conditions, and chronic pain can act as a barrier to treatment for other issues, and/or can occur alongside other diseases and conditions such as depression, post-traumatic stress disorder, and traumatic brain injury. The diversity of pain conditions requires knowledge of a diversity of current research and treatment approaches. Compass providers are aware of the stigma that can sometimes be associated with chronic pain and some health problems. Often the sufferer looks “normal” or “healthy” on the outside while feeling incapacitated by pain or poor health on the inside. We provide compassionate therapeutic services for those struggling with quality of life affecting health issues. Our clinicians also offer services for caregivers who are helping loved ones cope with these issues. Our clinicians can provide evaluation services for individuals considering an implantable pain control device, such as a spinal cord stimulator or pump. We can also evaluate for risks associated with opioid medication usage. |